
I’ve taken several classes from Evon, have engaged her editorial services and am currently enrolled in my third session of her on-line writing workshop. The weekly workshop is very practical to do on my schedule while helping develop a discipline to my creative writing project. The weekly assignments guide me to write concrete scenes that will draw a reader in. Evon’s tutelage is instrumental in my progress. It is so much fun producing the weekly assignment and very rewarding to receive Evon’s feedback. I look forward to getting the next assignment to keep me writing and growing.

Tamara J.

Evon Davis has been a mentor and teacher to me and has helped guide me with my chosen career as a writer. She is knowledgeable about the field and offers excellent techniques which I use every time I sit down to write. Her classes have been educational and her coaching classes are inspirational and get me excited about putting pen to paper!

Jessica Notkin

I met Evon Davis while taking her course at Colorado Free University called Plotting a Novel. It was a fantastic class that gave me the nuts and bolts of how to put a novel together. I’ve taken several classes with her since then and have given her manuscripts to edit. After each class, I walk away surprised at how much I’ve learned, with writing exercises I continue to use, and even more excited to write. Evon gives meaningful feedback that deepens my writing.

Meegan Epps

I was trapped in a career mindset of facts, figures and analysis before Evon helped free my wild subconscious from its cage. Two years and three hundred pages later, I have a second draft of a novel complete with childhood sweethearts, lust, blood, betrayal and renewal. I didn’t know I had that kind of imagination. You can expect very gentle, yet spot on, critique from Evon. She inspires you to move forward at your own pace. Evon is a wealth of knowledge on the intricacies of writing style to the practicalities of publishing. Through her Colorado Free University workshops and weekly group gatherings I learned I didn’t have to be perfect or great but that being creative is fun. If creative writing is on your bucket list, I say, “Take the plunge!”

Tracey Hooker